Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The First Podcast I listened to was SMARTBoard lessons episode 150. It was professional but yet relaxed. It is done by two other teachers. It gave you different websites that you could use as a teacher. Obviously they did their research before they started the podcast. It sounded like they were well aware of there subject matter. They also read some of the e-mails that they had received from their listeners. Next, I listenend to Kidcast 58 "The Medium Is NOT The Message", by Dan Schmit. He was saying that he was on the Internet listing to podcast and he noticed that a lot of the podcast done by students were done just because they were in a computer class. He says the podcast were done just to show how podcast were done not because the student wanted to do it. He was saying that the teacher should allow the students to do podcast on a subject they wanted to and maybe start doing one every week or every two months or whenever. This podcast was very interesting to me. His podcast sounded very professional also it didn't sound like it was read off of paper. Third I listened to EdTech Talk number 94 it was done by Arvind Gover, Alex Ragone, and Vinnie Vrotny. It sounded like a sports radio conversation. They had a special guest on this episode named Carol Broos. Lastly I listened toMacBreak Weekly episode 128. It is done by four different men this episode was called "I Cannot Confirm Nor Deny". This podcast also sounded like a sports radio station. One of the men off of this podcast also does the This Week in Photography. This podcast wasn't as informative as the others. It seemed like they were rambling because they spent like this first ten minutes of the show talking about everything except what the podcast was about.


  1. Jahmarkus,

    I also listened to 'rambling podcasts'. I like it better when people stick to the subject they are supposed to be discussing.

  2. Very good suggestions! Be ready to add them to our list of do's and don'ts.
