Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

I was in awe of this video the entire time! (which is rare for me) It was very thought-provoking, interesting, and captivating. I liked how creative the set-up was with the students holding up facts with either their notebooks, laptops, and scantrons; rather than just saying them. It really shedded some light on how lazy and computer-oriented our youth are today. We spend entirely too much time on facebook, myspace, and twitter and not enough time studying our class materials. I thought it was funny how they mentioned how some students are on facebook and myspace right during class. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this happen right in front of me! This also makes me look at this epidemic from an educator's perspective. What can I do to make learning more interesting? How can I inspire my students to actually want to study? This was a great video!


  1. You write: "How can I inspire my students to actually want to study?" When you can do this you will be a great teacher!

  2. It's a difficult job for some more than others, but I believe it is possible.
