He began by talking about his illness and that it was going to be his last lecture.\He showed us and told us about the tumors in his liver. He didn't want to focus on his illness though and he didn't want anybody to fell sorry for him.He showed us that he was not about to dwell in the situation but make the best of it. He then went to tell the audience the things he would not be talking about and the things he would be talking about.He had a great sense of humor throughout the video.
He talked about his childhood dreams next. He talked about brick walls and brick walls make us prove how bad we want something. We all have brick walls or obstacles that may seem like they prevent us from achieving our dreams. The brick walls are not there to keep us out but to make us show how bad we want something. He then went on to talk fundamentals and hard work and how important they are.
Next he talked about enabling the childhood dreams of others. He went on the CMU and created a course where you made your own virtual reality world. His mentor gave him some great advice when he thought his students had did really well, and that was to tell them they did good but he know they can do better. He said he would be doing the students a disservice if he was to set the bar. We should always challenge ourselves to do better. We are our own number one motivator for success.
This lecture was very motivating and inspiring. I love how he maintained a positive attitude in spite of what some would see as a very sad situation. He really encouraged me to push through everything that could come to destroy me.