Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kaia and Father's Blogs

Kaia is a very young little girl whose father helps her blog. She shares lots of thoughts, pictures and experiences. William Chamberlain's class regularly comments on kids blogs. Kaia's father contacted Mr. Chamberlain's class and asked them to send Kaia a voice thread and they did. This was one more way to connect and provide more motivation to little Kaia to post.

As it turns out, Kaia's Dad does a lot to inspire and motivate Kaia to express herself via technology. He is working towards building Kaia's literacy at a young age. They took cameras outside, Kaia took lots of pictures and created a photo essay about her pictures to put on her blog. Many people have seen her presentation and have commented. This is a great tool to encourage a chid.

Kaia's father, who happens to be a teacher, is very interested in technology being used as a tool in education. He realizes that Kaia is still too young to really understand the connections that she is making, but in a few years these connections and this type of interaction will be appreciated by her. He hopes that her teachers are ready to help her continue on this journey.

I found this post to be very insightful as well as thought-provoking. It is a wonderful thing to expose our children to technology, the internet, and people from around the world. It will create in them a sense of understanding of the diversity that the world has to offer. That way they won't be sheltered and culture-shocked when they come to college and see them, like many of us were. I want my own students to learn and experience these connections.

With that being said, we also have to be careful. Not everybody on the net is looking out for the best interest of our children. Hopefully there will be more teachers out there who will help make the world wide web more safer for our children and protect them from harmful elements. We should also teach our kids how to be safe when browsing and how not to get easily distracted or persuaded when doing schoolwork. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE BLOG FOR YOURSELF!

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